Nørrebrogade 13, 2200 København
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Looking for a third roommate

Hello We are two young men looking for a third roommate for our apartment in Norrebro. We’re moving in some time in February and we are looking for a roommate starting March 1. The address is Norrebrogade 13. About the Apartment The apartment is on the corner of Norrebrogade and Blagardsgade, right by Dronning Louises Bro, beside the lakes, a pretty sweet location. It’s a large, beautiful, old apartment. There are three bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, and a very large living room space, all of which you can see in the pictures. There is one shared bathroom. The place will be unfurnished, despite the pics (sorry about the blurs by the way, all that stuff will be gone). We have some key items but it will take us a while to get the place fully made and we’d love your contribution as well. We are going for an older look despite our limited means, and if you’ve got the taste to help us make the place look sick that would be cool. It does come with a dishwasher, a washing machine, and a dryer. The place is 130m2. It’s a three minute bike or a ten minute walk to Norreport, and consequently to the city centre. It’s close to the M1 and M2 metro, and not far from the M3. There are some buses that stop not far from the front door, including the 5C. About the Room It’s the largest room in the apartment, 19m2 . It has a view over Blågardsgade, there are a few bars down there but it’s usually not rowdy if you’re concerned about noise. It has its own private entrance which leads down to the courtyard. The rent is 7300 per month, plus 500 for heat and water. We estimate electricity and wifi will be around 150-250 per month. About Us We will have just turned 25 and 26 when you move in. We’re from South Africa and New Zealand. Much to our own embarrassment we do not yet speak Danish. We’re both doing our masters in engineering at DTU. We both did our bachelors here too. We both bartend for work, although right now only one of us is actually employed. Consequently we’re either working or going out most weekends. We study on the weekdays, some of us more than others. We will probably be studying at the apartment quite a bit, with friends most likely. Speaking of friends, we're likely to have people around a lot, just to hang out or study or do pre-drinks, we’re hoping this is cool with you, and of course you’d be invited to do so as well. We try to stay structured but we’re liable to slip into irregular sleep patterns, we try to be considerate when others are sleeping and thanks to the layout that hopefully won’t be too hard, we’d like you to do the same. We are clean and tidy, not ocd level but we want the place to be consistently nice with some room for minor slippage. We don’t want to live with a slob basically. We’ll probably spend a lot of time in the living room watching movies or jamming ps. About You We are looking for someone relaxed, chilled, considerate, and an all-around good time. Probably around the same age as us. Not overly serious but not a complete trainwreck either. Basically someone we can kick it with but who also has their own life going on. If that’s you then hit us up. Don’t worry about sending us a massive spiel, just tell us a little about yourself and if we like you we’ll text you for an interview. Please know it’s nothing personal if we don’t text you, sometimes you can get a lot of applications for rooms and it’s hard to get through them all. Here are our numbers, text or whatsapp either of us, text us both if you like, we would like to both be reading messages throughout this process: Thanks Thor and Joe

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